PETA is Giving Away a Free Vasectomy: Another PETA Secret Liberal Agenda Exposed

PETA hides itself in the pathos of caring for animals. Why they're so cute and cuddly. How could you want to do anything like eat one of them for the essential protein needed for life--as they ignore the food chain in the wild in which the most ferocious eat the cutest.

Behind PETA is a radical agenda that wants nothing more than to take your right to eat meat away from you. Oh, but they do it by tricking you, selling sex to get you to conform with their agenda.

What are you really looking at in this picture? Do you see the lamb?

So what is this radical agenda of PETA they cover up with naked bodies of beautiful, sexy women? Well, it's a radical environmental message that includes things like ending the production of certain agriculture so you don't have the right to eat certain foods. It's about extremist global warming and taking away more rights from you with that agenda. Now, they openly admit to the liberal environmentalists views of population control.

Wait, they are doing something nice to get you to smile once again. Pay attention:

It's a two-fer: Get your animal companion fixed, and get yourself fixed too! Human overpopulation is crowding out animal life on the planet, and dog and cat overpopulation is creating a euthanasia crisis that is a crying shame. Disappearing wilderness, vanishing water resources, and pollution is the price that future generations will pay for more human births, while losing their lives is the price that millions of homeless dogs and cats pay when guardians neglect to "fix" their companion animals.

Let me give you more insight to what is driving this radical idea of population control, something that is being taught in American schools in the International Baccalaureate curriculum. Here's Bill Gates calling for vaccines to control human population.