Rachel Booth, Planned Parenthood Valley Girl Praises Chuck Schumer: Oh My Gawd, It's Chucky! He's So Cute

If you want to see some angry women, check out this next video. I feel sorry for these womens' husbands and boyfriends (if they have them) as they advocate for slutty, irresponsible women. They will try to sell this as overall womens' health, but isn't Obamacare supposed to take care of their needs? Yeah, Senator Schumer, tell me why Planned Parenthood needs to exist when Obamacare is supposed to ensure womens' breasts get examined.

Notice after the really angry woman (Nancy Keenan) who talks about the Republicans war against women, which is a crock, because this is really a war against our Constitution these angry women rage since their is no federal authority or enumerated power in the Constitution to fund Planned Parenthood or anything like Planned Parenthood, an organization founded in racial bigotry to exterminate the black population by Margaret Sanger, Rachel Booth comes to the stage. She is the Syracuse President of the Voices of Planned Parenthood (about 8 minutes into this video of lunatic women preparing for war.)

Rachel Booth, president of VOX advocates for an organization founded
by Margaret Sanger to kill off black people. "Like oh my gawd! Want
some candy to go with that Sanger racial bigotry of Planned Parenthood."
Oh my gawd! Chuck Shumer, like, he is just the greatest! Doesn't she sound more like the president of the Justin Bieber fan club than one of the angry women that came before her. I mean like Chuck Schumer, can you believe I get to introduce CHUCK SCHUMER! Almost like Martin Short's Ed Grimley character's admiration for Pat Sayjak.

You must really have low expectations for your life Miss Booth that the highlight of your life is introducing a corrupt man while advocating for an organization founded in hopes of exterminating black people.

Does Rachel Booth even have to worry about getting pregnant except by artificial methods like a turkey baster? What guy would ever want to hear this in his ear all night and into the next morning? Like oh my gawd, you should just hear all the good work I am doing for Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood.

Do any of these women have to worry about getting laid and getting pregnant? What guy wants to bed the anger coming from this rally? Good grief!

Of course Chuck Schumer does seem to enjoy it.

Here's some education that Syracuse obviously didn't teach you Miss Booth.

"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated. We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood