Congressman Long Throwing ANOTHER Fundraiser

During the Republican primary, candidate Billy Long attacked career politicians claiming they spend too much time in Washington getting reelected. Well guess what, now that Billy Long is one of them and has the title Congressman, he is spending A LOT of time worried about getting reelected.

It started just nine days after Long won his seat in Congress. He sent out an e-mail to Missouri State political science students for interns to work his reelection committee. So without even casting his first vote, Long began his reelection bid.

Since then, Long has maintained a busy fundraising record hosting expensive dinners at swank restaurants, and even attending CPAC not to become a better Constitutional conservative (if that is even possible at CPAC anymore) but to raise money for his reelection bid.

We have learned of another event to raise money for Congressman Long. Now remember, Long promised voters of Southwest Missouri he would do things like read bills and work hard to cut spending, but it appears Long is more ready to raise money for his reelection bid than the work he needs promised to put into his job in Washington. Remember, the Springfield News-Leader said Long was unaware HR 607, a bill he co-sponsored with Peter King, confiscated frequencies from HAM radio operators. As well, when it came to cutting spending in HR1 Congressman Long proposed no spending cuts, but was quick to support federal funding for NASCAR teams.

Here's the information about the latest Billy Long fundraiser.

Dinner for Billy Long

There is $1000 charge if you are one of those special interest groups we were told by the likes of Sarah Steelman that Billy Long wouldn't let influence him in Washington, and there is a $500 for the average Joe (as if that still applies to American politicians) to attend the event. Washington, including Billy Long, doesn't care about the average Joe unless they are expanding their campaign coffers.

So this is what Sarah Steelman promised Southwest Missouri we would get out of Billy Long when she endorsed him:

I hope you will consider voting for Billy Long for Congress. The way I see it is we need someone who is not part of the political establishment. We need someone who loves his country and is willing to put his country before himself; before his party; before politics as usual; before special interest groups; before lobbyists; and before his colleagues in Congress. We need someone who will put YOU before money and power and influence.

But it's clear, seeing how Long always invites special interest groups (PACs) to his event, Steelman obviously didn't know who she was endorsing or knew the fed up of DC routine was meaningless rhetoric. Long is clearly allowing special interest to influence him as he throws ANOTHER fundraiser.