Monsanto's Next Frankenfood Claim: It's Healthier Because It Has Fish Oils In It

The mad scientists at Monsanto continue to mess around with what God put on earth. Facing a real ethos problem, Monsanto appears to be trying to change its image with new genetic modifications. They have now altered a soy bean to produce fish oil, the heart healthy Omega 3 oils. Have no doubt they will celebrate this as a great discovery to benefit human health to cover up the real agenda of Monsanto--and that is total power over the food supply.

From a political standpoint, Monsanto has an image problem. Therefore, they needed something that appears good to boost their image. What a better way than to produce crops that have more nutrients, but that doesn't hide the fact they have worked with the United States government to produce terminating seeds--seeds that don't yield new seeds for the following year. Now ask yourself, as Monsanto stands one FDA approval of getting another GMO passed. Why would you need to produce terminating seeds unless you goal is total control over the world's seeds? That means power because you control the food supply.

The very idea the US government and Monsanto has worked on a plan deserves some critical thought from all people, and its no wonder people in other parts of the world are concerned about the reality of Monsanto's terminating seeds.