US Mint Runs Out of Silver and Can't Fulfill American Eagle Orders

William Clay, the worthless Missouri Congressman, is once again perturbed with Ron Paul over his fight against the Federal Reserve. Congressman Paul conducted hearings yesterday wondering why the US Mint is running out of silver.

As Clay rambles on in his slow tone that drags on, you can see he is irritated at Ron Paul and his concerns over this problem at the US Mint, and he noted there is no representative from the US Mint present. What concerns me is once again Clay doesn't appear to know the enumerated powers that define his job.

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; Article One Section Eight

I think all Americans should be concerned if the United States appears to have a shortage of precious metals, since it does have an impact on the dollar. Apparently Congressman Clay doesn't feel this is important as he needs a representative from the US Mint there before he sees there could be a problem.