Billy Long Cites Confusion for One Reason He Voted to Shut Down the Government

Billy Long is good at spitting out numbers faster and faster to create buying confusion. Fortunately, he doesn't like it when the same technique is used on him. Thanks to Long, we understand just how bad John Boehner's compromise is, and for a change enjoy one of Billy Long's talking points since it provides insight to the compromise.

Long told the News-Leader:

"They rattled off more different numbers than an auctioneer Friday night in explaining what had been agreed to."

"I voted against the one-week stop gap continuing resolution Friday night because it didn't fund the troops for the rest of the year and didn't cut enough spending. We need to quit using our fighting men and women as political pawns."

The only thing I am confused about here is Billy Long's own confusion. He tweeted the troops were going to get paid and that was a done deal. Now he is telling us different--king of like that $100 billion "we got 'er done" that turned out to be $61 billion that has shrunk to $39 billion. It's all very complicated.

I think for once in his life, I think Long is actually honest in his assessment as a politician. Deep down inside, I think he is trying to tell us we are getting screwed thanks to John Boehner. He just doesn't have the courage to say he is fed up with this particular career politicians.