Have Billy Long, Roy Blunt, and Claire McCaskill Been Called in to Save IB at Ozark Schools?

The campaign against the International Baccalaureate in Ozark, Missouri, has picked up. Yard signs are getting noticed in the fresh spring grass. Constitutional conservative talk radio is speaking out against the IB as the Super Dave radio show did over four hours of talk against the IB drawing the conclusion the IB is indoctrination for a one world government. The Springfield Tea Party addressed its concerns about the IB infiltration, which supports radical liberal United Nation's agendas like the Human Rights Doctrine as well as radical environmental views like the Earth Charter. People in Ozark are finally asking the question is the IB what we want creating curriculum for Ozark students?

Thanks to this grass roots campaign started by one of the teachers at Ozark High School who was asked to support the IB, but hesitated knowing he should research the organization before going along, the Ozark School Board appears to be calling in the heavyweights to promote their IB agenda.

Ozark parents received a phone call earlier today inviting them to a school board meeting for a discussion in quality in education. For the past several months, quality in education has revolved around the controversial International Baccalaureate, an international body with ties to the United Nations with a globalist agenda that is clearly anti-American.

In order to have this discussion in quality education, Congressman Billy Long will join Senator Roy Blunt and Senator Claire Mama Caskill, obviously ethos for the school board's agenda, to discuss quality in education. It is unknown if these three will put their seal of approval on the IB, but one has to suspect that is what the school board and administration is up to hoping to avoid the tough questions about the IB's radical ties.

This will obviously be Billy Long's first test to see where he really stands on education. At the Ozark Chamber of Commerce congressional forum held last year, Long plead ignorance to Obama's educational initiative called Race to the Top. Long did say he supports returning local control back to the communities while ending the Department of Education. If Long comes out to support the IB, he clearly proves he's a hypocrite since the IB would give control to the international governing body in Switzerland, who have ties the UN and endorses ideas like the redistribution of wealth, confiscation of firearms, and the devaluing of Christianity.

As well, since Long told the Washington press corp his pocket Constitution is "rode hard and put up wet," I have to ask why any of these three members of Congress are coming to an Ozark School Board. Obviously, it has to do with the IB, since that is what Ozark is pushing for to improve quality. When I look at Article One Section Eight of the Constitution, none of these members of Congress have an enumerated power to regulate or fund education on the federal level. Obviously, that has been violated since 1980, when the Department of Education was formed, and federal programs like No Child Left Behind have been proven a total failure.

Anyway, this will be interesting to watch on Thursday night--especially with Congressman Long. I have a feeling on Thursday night we will see just how committed Long is to returning control of education back to our communities. Something tells me he is going to fail the test.