Republicans Getting Ready to Dig Their Own Grave: Debt Ceiling Passage Assured

The eyes of the Tea Party, the new political force that helped Republicans win big in November, are upon Republicans in Congress. The prediction is, they are about to dig themselves a grave, as the Tea Party is about to run from the Republican label.

Republicans will be forced to raise the debt ceiling now they have wheeled and dealed with Democrats producing compromises that provided minimal spending cuts of just over $38 billion. I am not surprised--in fact it serves John Boehner right for proving he is a spineless leader.

From CNS News:

On Feb. 4, 2010, when the House of Representatives voted to increase the legal limit on the national debt by another $1.9 trillion (lifting the limit from $12.394 trillion to $14.294 trillion), not one Republican voted for the increase.

Then-Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R.-Va.) rose on the House floor that day and declared that it was “beyond comprehension” and “a travesty” to talk about raising the legal debt limit to $14.294 trillion.

Last week, the Republican House leadership agreed to a deal with President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) to spend $3.7555 trillion in this fiscal year--even though at the close of business Friday, as the deal was being struck, the Treasury reported that it could borrow only an additional $80.85 billion before hitting the $14.294-trillion debt limit Congress set last year.

Obviously you can do the math here. The Republicans through Boehner have compromised themselves into supporting the next debt ceiling increase, the one that may finally put us past the point of no return, if in fact we aren't already there. How would you like to have that fact on your resume?