Bush Tax Cuts Compromise Obviously Isn't Going to Stop Obama from Raising Taxes

Remember before the GOP took control of the House in January, they began compromising with Democrats to save the Bush tax cuts. Democrats got to spend more and the Republicans got to keep the tax cuts. Of course, the damage of this could have been prevented has Republicans pushed for the tax cuts after taking the House and made them retroactive.

Now we are finding out, Obama has a plan to raise taxes anyway. What is he thinking as gas head towards $5 a gallon and the word recession is being uttered by economists? Oh that's right, we are talking about Obama and he doesn't think. So much for the compromise! Conservatives lose again because of the lack of leadership in the Republican ranks.

Here's a predictable Obama telling the American people the Republicans' hearts are in the right place in cutting spending and saving some entitlement programs, but they are going to fundamentally change the America he grew up in. Yes, Obama had the testicular fortitude to say it, even after his socialistic changes have swept through the land fundamentally changing the America we know.

Now I told you back in December and January Obama was going to increase spending, which has happened in the last six months with no budget to place limits on what Obama wants, and he was going to blame the Bush Tax cuts for the rising deficit. It happened sooner than I imagined.

Jonathon Seidl writes:

While the president recommended trimming health care costs in Medicare and Medicaid, he also called for cuts in defense, an overhaul of the tax system to eliminate many loopholes enjoyed by individuals and corporations, and an end to Bush-era tax cuts for wealthier Americans.

“We have to live within our means, we have to reduce our deficit, and we have to get back on a path that will allow us to pay down our debt,” Obama said in a combative speech at George Washington University.

Why does anyone take Obama seriously when he says we have to live within our means? In two years, our federal deficit has risen $4 trillion dollars because of the radical spending plans Obama proposed and encouraged a Democratic Congress to pass.