Tea Partiers Are a Bunch of Hicks According to Loretta Sanchez

The vitriol continues from the Democrats. Unconcerned that one of their own was gunned down while the press pointed fingers at political vitriol in hopes of stifling free speech, the left still continues with its ignorant and intolerant rhetoric.

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez called Tea Partiers a bunch of hicks as she mocks them with a southern accent. Hey, Ms. Sanchez, by this time you probably have met Congressman Billy Long, and while he says he is Tea Party, he isn't Tea Party. Just look at his record. You don't need to insult the rest of us based on your first impression of that Tea Party fraud. "Moe" is definitely Billy Long.

One thing is obvious in all of this. Loretta Sanchez doesn't hold the Constitution she took an oath to protect in high regard, of course neither does Billy Long.