Obama Performs a Victory Lap for Tourists in DC After Boehner's Compromise

If you want to know who won the budget battle that had Boehner compromising for a meager $38 billion in spending cuts, look no further than the Lincoln Memorial. Forgetting Lincoln's slavery protecting words, Barack Obama circled the Lincoln Memorial yesterday in a NASCAR like victory lap without the squealing of the tires.

He got out of his presidential limo, surprising tourists, letting them know the Lincoln Memorial was open today thanks to Dear Leader himself proving once and for all John Boehner has no backbone.

"Because Congress was able to settle its differences that's why this place is open today and everybody’s able to enjoy their visit," Obama told visitors.

"And that's the kind of future cooperation I hope we have going forward ‘cause this is what America is all about - everybody from different places enjoying those things that bind us together," he added.

He then began shaking hands. Trust me, this is more symbolic than just the victory lap. Obama and the Democrats know they got the upper hand and John Boehner is weak. That is why Obama really celebrates as spending cuts passed in this measure don't even add up to a week's worth of deficit spending.

Watch the deficit rise further as Obama for the second time basically all but forced the Republicans to raise the debt ceiling, and in someway may have just gotten Barack Obama reelected, especially if the Tea Party starts moving away from the Republican establishment looking for a third party to endorse.