National Auctioneers Day: First Bill Sponsored by Congressman Billy Long

Billy Long hasn't proposed one dime of spending cuts yet since he got to Congress despite being fed up. He has voted to continue federal funding of NASCAR teams. While he tell voters "we got 'er done" referring to the $100 billion in promised spending cuts, Long and the Republicans fell way short. As Busplunge points out, at least Billy Long has his priorities straight.

Here's Long giving a speech on the House floor over what needs to be done to eliminate the national debt.

Nah, that's above Billy's pay grade and IQ.

Rather, here's Billy Long on the House floor proposing the third Saturday in September "Auctioneer Day." If you are one of those people who peddle around on Ebay, you will be included according to Congressman Long.

Meanwhile, we inch closer to the debt ceiling without any real solution other than raise it as Congressmen are falling asleep in the House chamber. Way to show some leadership Congressman Long! I wonder how much it will cost taxpayers to promote National Auctioneers Day as Billy Long pats himself on the back with a holiday to celebrate himself.

Mr. Long sounds a little winded. We're worried about your health Mr. Long. Washington looks like it's taken a toll on you, and you even sounded winded when you do your "Colonel" gig.