Republicans Kill Light Bulb Freedom in the Senate

Rand Paul is trying to reverse damage done by Democrats whether it be deficit spending or environmental nonsense. It would be nice of the Republicans in the Senate would help help. Such is not the case.

The Federal Government will soon tell you what light bulbs you have to use. Gone will be the inexpensive model resembling Thomas Edison's great invention, and in its place are the new curly bulbs that are suppose to be environmentally friendly but come with a warning from the EPA if you were to break one--as well as instructions about how to properly throw them away. (You can't just toss them in your trashcan because they are an environmental hazard.)

Senator Rand Paul is trying to put a stop to this nonsense to ensure American consumers can choose the light bulbs they wish to use, but like I said, GOP senators are doing little to help him.

From the Politico:

“On the energy efficiency standards, I think that in order to be consistent with a free society we should make them voluntary,” the Kentucky Republican said, turning a routine markup hearing in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee into something of a libertarian book club.

Paul offered an amendment to remove the appliance bill’s enforcement authority, but first he turned his attention to Rand’s 1937 novel “Anthem.”

“In that novel,” Paul said, “individual choice is banned and the collective basically runs society.”

Paul gave a brief summary of the circumstances surrounding the novel’s protagonist, named Equality 7-2521, and the lack of the freedoms he must endure.

“Over time, he discovers the subway and rediscovered the incandescent light bulb,” he said. Paul described how the novel’s character then takes the light bulb to a leadership council and “they take the light bulb and, basically, it’s crushed beneath the boot heel of the collective.”

Similarly, the U.S. government is trying to distort the marketplace of consumer products, said Paul, who has also complained about 2007 legislation that imposed tightened efficiency standards for light bulbs.

“I’m not suggesting that this collective is against electricity, per se, or for quashing individualism,” Paul said. “I am suggesting that we’re against choice.”

Once again Senator Paul makes some of the best arguments in the Senate. Get this, thanks to some Republicans who obviously don't believe in freedom like Senator Paul does, Paul's bill was killed before it reached the floor of the Senate.

Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico opposed Paul’s amendment, saying similar energy efficiency bills have become law on six previous occasions, and all were bipartisan and signed by Republican presidents.

Paul’s amendment failed 16-6. All the committee Democrats and a handful of Republicans, including ranking member Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, opposed the amendment. The overall appliance efficiency bill passed out of the committee 18-4.