Are You Sure They Are Talking About Our Billy Long? World Poker Tour Professional with Back Room Questions?

Some interesting words about Billy Long were printed On the God Discussion (For the Rest of Us Who Don't Go to Church). They attack Billy Long for his form letters sent in response to concerns over issues, something one of his local constituents recently complained about. (And I got my first form letter from Long yesterday too.)

Notice the words they write about our Billy:

Right Wing Texas Ten gallon hat and body Billy Long is a Right Wing mongrel, who leads Missouri with religion and Bernie Sanders leads his state of Vermont with reason and compassion.

Why do I say this? Bernie Sanders delivered a one-man filabuster for the people not too long again and it was out of concern for the working people. In the video below, he even states that the Right Wingers want to cut so much out of the budget that it will do more harm to people than good. The list of praises I can give Senator Sanders is long and vast.

Billy Long, on the other hand, is an outrage and disgrace, in my opinion. Pick any petition or letter from websites like Planned Parenthood, Environmental, science, education, or medical websites and what you get, a few days after confirming you message has arrived in his email box, are general form emails in return with statements such as this:
HR3, the anti-abortion bill:

H.R. 3 is a sweeping bill which would permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions in every federal program. I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this very important bill which would consolidate separate policies preventing government funding for abortions.

When the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973, it threw open the doors for abortion without giving the people an opportunity to make their views known on the issue through their elected representatives. Through the years, the judicial protection for abortion has continued in opposition to the expressed will of the majority of the people.

I strongly oppose abortion and am 100 percent pro-life; I will continue to advocate for that position in the U.S. Congress. I support efforts to reduce the number of abortions in this country, and nearly every year Congress addresses whether taxpayer dollars should be used to fund abortions and abortion-related services. I believe that those services should not be provided using the tax revenue from citizens who hold fundamental moral and religious objections to abortion.

He leads with Religious Reich and his own opinions, but he insists they are the majority of the people, especially in the 7th District of Missouri. It might be a majority opinion in this area, but that is due to religious beliefs, misinformation, and lack of education about abortion.

I think the author Mriana just gave Billy Long an R. Lee Ermey "fat body" insult in her first line. The author obviously doesn't know our Billy, the World Poker Tour and the rumors surrounding him that place doubt that Long is even remotely religious unless it's to an underground adult playground. I find the very idea of calling Long a religious leader funny to say the least.