Sheila Jackson Lee Resorts to Telling Seniors They Will be Wheelchaired Out of Their Nursing Homes if Paul Ryan's Budget Passes

I am not a fan of Paul Ryan's budget. Cutting $500 billion in spending a year doesn't make deep enough cuts. As well, it saves the same entitlement programs that are bankrupting this country, which the federal government has no Constitutional authority to provide. That being said, the Democrats are back to their seniors are going to die talking points. Check out Sheila Jackson Lee war the nation's senior citizens that if Ryan's budget is passed, it will be like Huricane Katrina hitting nursing homes everywhere, although she calls it Hurricane Ryan.

The Republican budget will destroy Medicare…

There is an effort to bury this program that has kept the grandmothers and granddads and America’s children alive for them to be able to see their grandchildren grow up because they’ve had good healthcare. Where is the morality?

I just want to paint the picture of ‘no room at the inn:’ ‘Lights out, doors wide open and the drumbeat playing as people are being rolled out of nursing homes in wheelchairs, with crutches, some on beds.

Maybe we can just imagine the tragic scenes of Hurricane Katrina, when nursing home residents were pouring out of nursing homes in the wake of the disaster…Well let me tell you we’ve got Hurricane Ryan, and there’s a disaster coming.