Congressman Paul Ryan's Resume

I want to like Paul Ryan, but the more I hear his budget plan, the more I realize Republicans aren't willing to make the big cuts. What I mean by that is Ryan is only proposing $500 billion in cuts a year while rebuilding FDR's Great Society, which means Republicans aren't ready to drop the unconstitutional entitlements that are bankrupting this country. As well, they don't appear ready to start reducing a military budget that totals over $660 billion a year--or almost 50% of all military spending in the world. When you start considering these things, the Ryan plan looks quite small.

Of course Ryan's record supports big intrusive government--not smaller Republican government using the prescription of Jefferson. After all Ryan did support the following programs:

No CHild Left Behind
Expanding Medicare drug benefit
deficit spending
Military Commisions Act
Homeland security and TSA assaults on your liberties

Considering his track record, Republicans may have put the wrong man in place to save our Republic. I hope I am wrong--but his resume speaks for itself.