Did you catch Mitt Romney's announcement he was all but running for President? Yesterday, Mitt for Brains Romney made it official, he was forming an exploratory committee for President. This wasn't any surprise.
His lifeless announcement wasn't any surprise. Mitt for Brains isn't running to restore our Constitutional Republic. His lifeless video was all about Mitt. Mitt is running for Mitt because Mitt has an ego. His announcement was about all the things Mitt for Brains Romney has done in Massachusetts and quite frankly, it put me to sleep. Where is the excitement that Ronald Reagan brought to the party? Romney claims Reagan was his mentor, but you would never have heard this babbling from Reagan. Romney is saying I am from the government and I can make it better, and we all know what Reagan said the nine scariest words in the English language are.
"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Listen to Mitt for Brains announce and tell me I am wrong.
Did you catch Mitt Romney claiming he has spent his entire career in the private sector? I guess he wants us to forget those years he inspired Obama to create Obamacare. Oh, but then he reminds us he was governor without reminding us of Romneycare... ZZZZZ. Did you fall asleep? Notice how his tone picks up. He is about as enthused making this announcement as I am watching it. Not sure how you are going to beat hope and change if our candidate is the walking dead with perfect hair and makeup.
Oh the hair is perfect, his make up doesn't run. Mitt for Brains is a pretty boy. I bet a day in the life of Mitt Romney looks something like this.
Warning: Christian Bale's naked butt will be shown in this video depicting a day in the life of Mitt Romney.