Does Billy Long Really Care About Returning Local Control of Schools Back to the State and Local Communities?: Long Ignores IB Concerns

Billy Long on the DC social circuit raising
money for DC, not SWMO, schools.
The Department of Education was founded in 1979. Since 1980, when it began its operations, the quality of American schools have gone down with each new federal mandate telling our local schools how to operate. Thanks to the Faustian deal of federal money, your local school board turns a blind eye to the fact that programs like No Child Left Behind really equates to no child gets an education--or at least one that prepares them to lead.

When running for office, Congressman Billy Long promised he would fight to return local control of schools back to the communities and end the Department of Education. Long has been quiet about this promise since going to Washington, DC, even with concerned parents and community members calling his office worried that more local control is going to be lost--and in the worst possible way.

There is a movement in American schools right now that is being pushed by the Obama administration and his buddy unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers. It has ties to stimulus funds as well, as local schools across the country are giving up more of their local control and falling under the influence of an international governing body called the International Baccalaureate (IB).

The IB promises to produce students better prepared for college. That's how school boards across the country sell this globalist education agenda.

A deeper look at the IB shows a radically left-wing agenda that supports Marxist ideas like the redistribution of wealth, devaluing of religion, and disarming Americans. It's not hard to figure out when you see the IB's long list of endorsements from the United Nation's Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the radical environmentalist Earth Charter, and the Kyoto Accord. All three of these agendas are anti-American, anti-Constitutional, and don't represent the values of most American communities with the exception of possibly Berkeley.

Where does Billy Long stand? Even after his constituents have called his office alerting the Congressman, who promised to fight for more local control of Southwest Missouri schools, Long remains quiet on the subject. Probably doesn't want to rock the boat and upset pseudo conservative donors as he steps up his bid for reelection next year. While this move to the IB in a few Southwest Missouri schools opposes the platform Long ran on, once again we see Billy Long doesn't have the backbone to address the issue.

However, he was out of district last night helping raise money for the Brent Elementary School in Washington, DC, last night showing off his auctioneer skills.

Happy 2 have donated my time to Brent Elementary Public School in DC 4 their Benefit Auction tonight! Raised an extra $5K w/ 'Fund An Item'
about 1 hour ago via web

Meanwhile back home in the district, Master Sergeant Ronnie White (ret), a current teacher at Ozark High School who leads the opposition against the IB, has continued to contact Long's office about what the IB means and how it removes more local control from the local schools in Southwest Missouri. Long's office has shown no interest despite claiming he wants to return local control back to Southwest Missouri schools. Oh, but he has time to raise money for Washington, DC schools, he just doesn't have the time to fight in Washington for the things that are important to Southwest Missourians.