The Million Brainwashed Kid March to Give Up Their Right to Exhale

The Million Man March has now inspired another group of protesters to get on their feet. One million indoctrinated by the public school students will soon take to their feet (if they can get a million--these things are never that strong unless the word Tea Party comes into play). What are they marching for? To give up their right to exhale.

iMatter March is a collection of brainwashed kids from all over the world hoping to raise awareness that simply exhaling is bad for the planet, even though Carbon Dioxide is a necessary gas to sustain life on earth.

iMatter March intro from iMatter March on Vimeo.

I wonder how many of these kids have been indoctrinated by the radical left-wing leaning International Baccalaureate that blends Marxism and radical environmentalism (which have become nearly the same in recent decades) into their curriculum and calling it a better education--preparing globalist citizens.