Congressman Billy Long Attacks Obama with Broadway Show Tunes

Oh Billy Long! What can you say? Does anything really surprise you anymore about the lowest IQ on the neocon pseudo right of Congress?

Today, he attacked Obama using show tunes for Obama's rhetoric on shutting the government down. Now remember, on March 15, Billy Long bragged on Twitter that he was proud of his vote against John Boehner's stop gap bill that would keep the government running in exchange for a meager $4 billion in spending cuts. Now Billy Long appears to be wanting the government to continue operations, and he isn't shy about running to a microphone after rehearsing his sound bites in his extra-wide mirror in his Longworth office.

Everyone on Capitol Hill is chattering about the legendary series of shutdowns in late 1995 and early 1996. But perhaps a better model to examine is an often-forgotten shutdown in October, 1990. A rebellion by House Republicans helped torpedo a major deficit reduction plan backed by President George H.W. Bush. In an effort to jar Congress’s attention, the president vetoed a stopgap spending measure to run the government and delved back into negotiations on the deficit reduction package.

Bush’s veto triggered a three-day government shutdown over Columbus Day weekend while the sides hammered out a new agreement. The shutdown was hardly a crisis, as the government shuttered the national parks and Smithsonian Museums. But then-Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME) crowed that the president’s “decision to shut down the government is wrong and unnecessary.”

In other words, a limited shutdown could have little operational impact. But after weeks of white-hot rhetoric, a shutdown of any sort in today’s supercharged atmosphere would carry major political consequences.

For instance, freshman Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) called President Obama “President Cellophane,” for what the Congressman perceived as the president’s absence on the issue. It’s a take on the song “Mr. Cellophane” from the musical “Chicago.”

“Mr. Cellophane needs to come to the table and quit telling us to act like adults,” admonished Long.

You know the cliche about men who like show tunes... GOProud?