John Boehner and Republicans Compromise to Keep Government Operating

Pathetic! $39 billion in spending cuts is all the Republicans are going to get as they have compromised with Democrats to keep the government operating. Remember, these same Republicans came to town with a mandate to cut spending, and they got very little in spending cuts--far from the $100 billion, which was a pathetic attempt as well, that Boehner promised.

Boehner met with Harry Reid yesterday to get this deal, knowing he wasn't even going to get close to what the Republicans promised, showing once again Boehner has no backbone, and in the last week, Congressman Billy Long who rode to Washington claiming he was fed up with wasteful government spending jumped fences first voting to shut down the government to being a good establishment water boy again doing what Boehner asks him to.

The bipartisan deal struck late Friday falls short of the House Republican campaign pledge to cut $100 billion in fiscal 2011 spending.

The pact cuts $78.5 billion when compared to President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget request, which was never enacted.

Comparatively, the accord cuts $39 billion in actual spending, which is $22 billion less than bill the House passed in February.