Tea Party Members of the House Give Boehner a Standing Ovation for Budget Compromise

The transition from Tea Party to the same old establishment is now complete. Boehner's compromise with Democrats earned him a standing ovation from Republicans including those in the Tea Party. But Why?

The AP writes:

Boehner said the agreement came after "a lot of discussion and a long fight," and he won an ovation from his rank and file, including the new tea party adherents whose victories last November shifted control of the House to the GOP.

What are they cheering about? Do they not see this compromise was a win for more government spending? Just last month they were celebrating HR1, a $100 billion promised in cuts bill that quickly shrunk to $61 billion, and with Boehner's compromise, it shrunk again to $39 billion. That's hardly reason to celebrate. Perhaps Tea Party voters need to reconsider who they are electing who calls themselves Tea Partiers, like Billy Long who obviously isn't. I don't see how Boehner deserves an ovation considering his lack of leadership in this compromise and the mood of the country to get government spending under control.

They are giving Boehner an ovation for a broken promise. To me, I worry about that.

Now the vote on the debt ceiling will soon come. How can we trust Boehner to stand his ground? Republicans were shut out of the debate so many times over the past two years like in healthcare, but Boehner has forgotten those days and is ready to give up the farm in Washington. It's really sad to watch.