TSA Thugs Justify Why they Groped a Six-Year Old Girl at the New Orleans Airport

Aren't you getting tired of the TSA's excuses of whey the continue to harass Americans. Not surprisingly, TSA thugs are under fire again for patting down and calling for a drug test of a six-year old girl.

“You can’t just re-scan her?” the girl’s mother asks. The TSA agent says no.

The agent tells the girl what she’s doing, including saying she‘s touching the girl’s “sensitive area with the back of my hand.”

Near the end of the minute-and-a-half video, a woman is heard saying: “They’re doing the drug test on her, the whatever test … on a six-year-old.”

“Yeah. it’s their job,” a man replies.

Here's the video:

As usual, we get the same pathetic response from this crack pot team of security that is infringing on our rights.

The TSA says they will reconsider how they inspect passengers under 12. TSA justifies the TSA thug's actions saying the TSA thug followed protocol but won't exempt children from the groping while claiming they want to make the process "more respectable" for families.

More respectable? What does that mean? Take your kid into a private room so the pervs who haven't gotten jobs within the TSA yesterday can't ogle at the work of the TSA thugs?