San Francisco City Government Wants to Scan IDs of Residents Entering Entertainment Venues

The next time you enter a San Francisco movie theater, the following demand might be made. "Your papers please." With no regard to the Fourth Amendment, city leaders are considering a bill that would require residents to have their ID scanned whenever they attended any kind of entertainment venue in which more than 100 people attend, which basically could mean any place.

The law wouldn't stop there. Big brother cameras would be placed in these venues for the eyes of government to prey on the people.

The proposal before members would also mandate that cameras be placed in event halls where they can be clearly seen by attendees. The systems would also need to be freely accessible to local, state and federal law enforcement on demand.

The rules make no mention of safeguards to protect the privacy of event patrons. They would instead require that scanned IDs and video footage from the venues shall be kept for “no less than 15 days” — meaning, they would be able to keep the information forever.

Oh, for the people of San Francisco to believe their city is symbolic of freedom is just laughable! Sodomy and drug use isn't reflective of true freedom.