Republicans Cave in on Obama's EPA Cap and Trade Executive Order to Keep Government Operating

The news keep getting worse if you are a conservative. John Boehner has shown no leadership in his compromise to keep the government operating. Not only did Boehner give up his $100 billion spending cuts promise, receiving only $39, but he gave the Democrats something big to get those meager cuts--Obama's executive order to allow the EPA to regulate carbon.

The AP writes:

In the end, all sides claimed victory.

For Republicans, it was the sheer size of the spending cuts. For Obama and Reid, it was casting aside GOP policy initiatives that would have blocked environmental rules and changed a program that provides family planning services.

Not all policy provisions were struck.

So be sure to write your GOP congressman and say thanks for nothing! Since Congressman Billy Long doesn't take my e-mails, I will just publicly call him out here. Thanks for nothing Billy!