OH Good, A Government Shut Down Won't Stop Obama's Illegal War in Libya

When the government shuts down on Friday night, Obama and his new neocon friends like Congressman Billy Long who are saluting the president for attacking Libya, despite criticizing him for the lack of war communications, won't have to worry about the killing ending and a stop to the bombs dropping. Obama's illegal and unconstitutional war will carry on. As will a number of other unconstitutional acts.

For instance, you won't need to worry about the safety of your airplane. Despite never catching one terrorist that we know of to date, the TSA will continue to strip search, grope, and force you to go through their high radiation level naked body scanners.

Really if the government shuts down, all the things we have come to hate about government, the entities that strip away our rights, will continue to function. All the while, a park ranger or museum security guard gets to stay home to watch Oprah for a few days. Oh, what a joke this political theater known as a government shut down really is!

It does allow politicians like Billy Long to embellish the situation to show they care. Long has been tweeting this week our soldiers aren't going to get paid. That's a lie all developed by the machine to upset you. I was in the Army during the last government shut down and we had no issues with pay. Andrew Wilkow backed me up on his Sirius Patriot radio show yesterday. Let's not forget, Long voted against the first stop gap proposal that was designed to keep the government operating.

We are watching lies unfold before our very eyes all to create this illusion Washington is about to do something big--like cut spending. When you look at Paul Ryan's plan, he is only cutting $500 billion per year. What does that really do to make considerable cuts to the size of government? Very little.