This is Who Obama Supports in His Illegal War in Libya?: 300 Migrants Dead in the Mediterranean

In case you haven't heard yet, the people Obama supports in Libya fighting against Qaddafi have ties to Al Qaeda. I was struck by an article yesterday about escaping migrants in Libya who got on a boat and started travelling towards Italy. Up to 300 people who were on the boat may have died with it capsized. It was a quote from one of the survivors that caught my eye.

“The war is too much,” a survivor told reporters on the Italian island of Lampedusa. “They steal our property, steal our money every day. They try to threaten us to leave [Libya] or they will kill us. Or they give us guns to fight against Gaddafi. We were not able to face the fight.”

How's that for a description of the fine people the United States are supporting to overthrow Qaddafi! Do you really think you are going to get better when he is removed? Do you really think their is longevity in any democracy that takes place thereafter?

Who does Obama think he is kidding?

These people died escaping from the same tyrants Obama supports. Let's look at the Nobel Peace Prize Obama won one more time.