KRZK Reports Billy Long Focused on Reelection Bid for Congress

Billy Long was fed up with how things are done in Washington. One of the instances he cited while he was candidate Billy before given the title Congressman Billy is that Washington politicians spend too much time worried about getting reelected. I agree.

So has Billy Long lived up to his words and broken the cycle on spending a large amount of time as your Congressman worried about getting reelected. Not according to KRZK, a Branson radio station who reported from Taney County Lincoln Day.

Before I share with you what news director Monte Schisler wrote about Long, let's add some facts to support Schisler's words.

Less than ten days after Long was elected, he began organizing his reelection campaign. Without any Congressional record and without knowing if he would like life in Congress, Long did what your average career politician does--start worrying about keeping his job over worrying about following the Constitution and representing his constituents.

The Long campaign sent out an e-mail the political science department at Missouri State University requesting interns to work in the early stages of his reelection efforts. Remember, this was less than ten days after the election.

The second fact that supports Schisler's claim is the fact that Billy Long has been frantically raising money for his reelection bid, once again proving it's not about fresh ideas and actual record when it comes to electing politicians, it's about who has the most money, which is the same game Long played last year as he hid his lack of knowledge on issues with pieces of green paper.

Long went to CPAC not to learn what it means to be a conservative, if that is still possible at CPAC (it depends who you go to CPAC to hear speak), but to raise money for his reelection campaign. As well, his first post-election FEC report show Long has been putting a lot of effort into raising money for his reelection bid.

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long raised $15,400 between Nov. 23 and Dec. 31, according to documents filed at the first of the year with the Federal Election Commission.

Yes, Billy Long has obviously become one of those politicians he warned us about. One focused on reelection before developing a solid political resume, because when you look at the facts, Long hasn't lived up to his promises. He said he was going to Washington to fight wasteful federal spending and then voted to keep federally funding three NASCAR teams. He said his small business common sense would help fight an out of control budget, but didn't propose one spending cut in his first three months in Washington, even when given the opportunity with HR1 (not one spending cut amendment had Long's name on it). Remember when Billy Long attacked the Democrats for not reading the healthcare bill, well, Billy Long must be too busy running his reelection campaign to read bills too. He didn't have a clue a bill he co-sponsored would confiscate control of a HAM radio frequency into federal hands to create an emergency broadband Internet frequency, which if Long would do his homework, he would connect to the Internet kill switch.

Those are your three previous examples that back up Schisler's words, which follow:

7th District Congressman Billy Long has only been in office 3 months and he's already campaigning for his next election. Long was one of several Republicans who gathered in Branson last night for the annual Taney County Lincoln Days event at the Lion's Club on East Highway 76.

Schisler attached a portion of the interview where Long is clearly trying to sell himself as Tea Party, even after voting for the USA Patriot Act, which clearly violates Americans Fourth Amendment Rights and co-sponsoring bills that grow the government like the "If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011" and the emergency broadband frequency bill, which adds another $5 billion in government spending. Long continues to recycle his "Tea Party before Tea Party was cool" line, despite not resembling the Tea Party in any manner. Long couldn't even attend the reading of the Constitution on the House floor. He was too busy meeting with a lobbyist.

So more people are seeing through Billy Long. Of course, it really isn't that hard when you start looking at the obvious things Congressman Long is doing in Washington--which is basically everything he said he wasn't going to Washington to do.