Sarah Steelman's Integrity Problems: The Story of Empty File Cabinets and Deep Pockets

Sarah Steelman
Controversy surrounds Sarah Steelman today. It appears the former Missouri State Treasurer may be hiding something from the public during her four years in the position. Numerous Sunshine Law requests have state workers asking where are the critical documents Steelman's office should have filed away during her service. As we found out earlier this week, the file cabinets are missing records, and voters are asking why.

Steelman may be facing another integrity problem as the US Senate race gets closer, one that already has some people questioning her judgement and when you peel back the layers, her credibility too.

In July of last year, Steelman decided to endorse a candidate for the US House race in Missouri 7. Her endorsement was in a letter stating:

I hope you will consider voting for Billy Long for Congress. The way I see it is we need someone who is not part of the political establishment. We need someone who loves his country and is willing to put his country before himself; before his party; before politics as usual; before special interest groups; before lobbyists; and before his colleagues in Congress. We need someone who will put YOU before money and power and influence.

We need someone who will stand strong and have the courage of his convictions. Who won’t cave into the pressure from special interest groups begging for more taxpayer money or lobbyists needing special exemptions or tax breaks for their clients. We need someone who has the guts to CUT government programs and spending and reduce the debt. We need someone who is willing to consult with the people of the 7th district to find answers and solve problems. I have talked to 6 of the seven candidates running on the republican ticket for Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and there are several I admire. But I don't think any of the other candidates have shown the independence or the spirit of Billy Long.

Of course, it didn't take long with Long in Washington to see Long is just another suit in Washington--not fighting for spending cuts and voting for wasteful spending like continuing federal funding for NASCAR teams. Long didn't propose a single spending cut in HR1, and he has been quick to co-sponsor programs that grow the size of government (in the name of public safety). As well, Long didn't put anybody but himself first when he handed over his enemies list to the FBI in hopes of silencing his critics--stomping all over the First Amendment. As we have seen with Long's co-sponsorship of HR607, the emergency broadband act, Long hasn't had the guts to consult with constituents before putting his John Hancock on the bill. Long didn't even have the guts to read the bill as he stated in the News-Leader he co-sponsored the bill because Peter King asked him to.

Steelman's letter was obviously politically motivated, because she has chosen to prop up Long as qualified even after a series of interviews which clearly embarrassed Steelman enough once they were released that they were quickly removed from YouTube. Thanks to an unknown person, the video was saved so the public can see the Steelman/Long embarrassment.

So there is the video with Steelman's shining endorsee. I want to ask you a question when you look at the Steelman endorsment of Long. Did she really believe Long was more qualified than Jack Goodman, Long's main competitor or was there something else motivating her decision of Long?

Clearly, it's not too hard to see through Steelman's confidence in Long when you watch the video. She tries to coach him along, but he is clearly lost on the subject of free trade that Steelman quickly ends the interview. Since Long has gotten to Washington, he has proven he can't live up to the words Steelman used to build him up. So what really drove the Steelman endorsement of Billy Long?

Could it be Long's donors had deeper pockets?

As I studied prominent political donors in the MO-7 Congressional race, Billy Long had the edge by far over Jack Goodman. When you look at the evidence, it seems clear to me, Steelman who had already toyed around with running for the US Senate a year before, knew 2012 was her year. Her endorsement of Long was clearly politics as usual, unconcerned about the overall health of the United States to put her own personal ambition ahead of everything else. She endorsed Long because Long had the donors with the deepest pockets, and you can't rock that boat when you plan to announce your bid for Senate a month after the general election. Now can you Sarah?

So her integrity problem not only comes from the missing files, but it also comes from the fact her endorsements are shallow and appear not based on what is best for the country, but what is best for Sarah Steelman. This is especially true as this woman with controversial ties to trial lawyers and liberal state democrats is trying to paint herself as Tea Party. I and other Tea Party members aren't fooled.