Local IB Opponent Puts Pressure on Congressman Billy Long to Live up to Campaign Promise: Local Control of the Schools

Ozark Schools are preparing to hand over more local control to an international governing body called the International Baccalaureate to create part of Ozark's curriculum. The UN endorsed IB has radical liberal ties that endorse the redistribution of wealth, disarming Americans, and devaluing Christianity. One Ozark resident is asking Congressman Billy Long for the third time to live up to his campaign promise of returning local control to Southwest Missouri schools instead of turning a blind eye to this globalist curriculum.

Master Sergeant Ronnie White first contacted Long's office  by phone and never heard anything from Congressman Long. His second contact was through an e-mail, and once again, Long, who promised he supported local control of education at the Ozark Chamber of Commerce forum, once again failed to respond and make his position public. Now White is releasing an open letter that he sent to Long's office to the public.

Congressman Billy Long April 3, 2011

I understand being a new person in Congress is a very busy time but this is my second email on this subject. I hope to receive a response.

I want to bring to your attention a program that is spreading across Missouri and the Nation. It is known as the International Baccalaureate Program or IB. Please become informed about this program, it is not what administrators and supporters of the program say it is. This program will show up unannounced at a board meeting.

Let me introduce myself and tell you about my experience. My Name is Ronnie L White, Master Sergeant, Retired, United States Army (21 years Active Duty Service). I am currently a Junior ROTC Instructor at Ozark High School, Ozark, MO

On September 16th 2010 at the monthly school board meeting, our high school principal Dr. Sam Taylor presented a short briefing to the school board about the IB program. He stated he thought it would be a great program for the top tier students at the high school to better prepare these students for college and it would cost considerable money.

At this same meeting under new business the board made a motion to apply for the program, it was seconded and the board voted 7/0 to apply for the program. No discussion, no input from the public, and very little input from the teachers. This vote came after the district had cut teachers pay ($5000.00 in most cases) at the end of the 2009-10 school year and placed a hiring freeze for this school year.

All activity funds were returned to the district and all of this due to the cut in State funding. I found it odd that we would want to spend money on an International curriculum. So I asked about the program. The Superintendent referred me to Dr. Taylor who told me it was a program to help our top students to be better prepared for college. I asked how much it would cost and he had no estimate at that time.

So I started my research. I went to IBO.org and found that it was going to cost $9,500 just to pay the first part of the application (Application A.) Then if approved (which no school has ever been turned down) $4000 for an IB consultant. Then another $9,500 for Application B. We also have to hire a full time IB coordinator at $40,000 a year and we must pay $10,000 annually to be a member of the IBO. This angered me. I also found out that IBO required a feasibility study before the application was submitted. That did not happen and when the school board was asked about this issue they knew nothing of it. The school board even admits that it formed no formal committee to investigate this program. They want it, they will get it! Even though it will cost the taxpayers upwards of six figures annually for approximately 10 to 15 students!

A little history about IB. The IBO officially formed in 1968 to serve the children of United Nations diplomats who traveled around the globe and were in need of a recognizable standard for admission into Universities. According to former IBO Director General George Walker, the intellectual process which would culminate in the IB Diploma Program was begun by Marie-Therese Maurette in 1948 when she wrote a paper for UNESCO (United Nations Education Science and Cultural Organization) called "Ways for educating for peace: do they exist?" Maurette had outlined a program and pedagogy, which included the following elements:

* Geography should be taught starting not with the student's country or origin but with the whole world.

• History should not be taught before the age of 12 to avoid it becoming a catalogue of national heroes and patriotic celebrations. When introduced it must be world history.

• Each week there should be an hour's lesson of "national culture" taught to classes divided into small national groups, but this will be deliberately subordinated to international geography and history.

• Promotion of bilinguals.

• Regular debates should encourage students to think about world affairs.

• Students should be required to take part in sports, community service and in the life of the school.

According to Ian Hill, Deputy Director General of IBO, "The primary goal of IBO is the promotion of world citizenship"

Time and space will not allow me to tell everything I have learned about this International takeover of our public school system, but I do want to share with you a very important link for you to start your research, If you find this to be important. Please visit www.truthaboutib.com
Lisa McLoughlin established this web site through her dealings with IB within her school district. She also has links to pro IB information. I ask you as my Representative to research this subject. If you feel as I do that this is an un-American curriculum and an attempt by progressives to indoctrinate our children to the; United Nations Human Rights Agenda, the Earth Charter, Agenda 21, and Secular Humanism. Then I would ask you to put a stop to the promotion and funding of IB at the National level and speak out against it in the 7th District. Let school boards in the 7th District know that you do not support such internationally controlled programs in Missouri!

If you would like to be added to my email list "Doubt IB" to keep track of the events here in Ozark please let me know via email. We need to stop this United Nations Take over of our public school system.


Ronnie L White
MSG (Ret), USA