Springfield, Missouri Definitely Not a Conservative City as they Strip Private Property Rights From Business Owners

I have known it for a long time. Springfield, Missouri is a pseudo conservative town ran be neocons who could care less about Constitutional rights. Yesterday's vote against private property owners just makes me sick and further reveals this truth.

Yesterday, voters in Springfield decided to tell private property owners what they can and can't do in their businesses. Sure it is just one rule, but where does it stop?

Springfield businesses will now be officially smoke free. Oh, but it's for the children, we can't have them breathing dangerous second-hand smoke?

What about the business owners? The people who should be the ultimate authority in deciding whether or not their patrons can smoke within the walls they work hard to pay for. Doesn't that fact matter to anyone in Springfield? When are you people going to wake up? Your tyranny is no different than Obama telling you that you are going to be forced to buy health insurance at the threat of the IRS's gun. Both this smoking ban and Obama's healthcare plan are an infringement upon your liberty.

As freedom-loving people, you should respect an owner's decision if they want to allow smoking in their establishment and that owner should respect your decision if you choose not to visit their establishment because of the smoke. This is how freedom works. It doesn't work by a bunch of people telling business owners what they can or can't do in their establishments.

If I were these people, I would consider moving outside of the Springfield city limits to avoid the anti-smoking nazis. I am not even a smoker.