Billy Long Fails to Support the Constitution, Even After Considering a Son of a Founding Father's Advice

Blogger Jonathan LaBrie recently sent Congressman Billy Long an e-mail through his Congressional Web site. In his e-mail, LaBrie researched the founding fathers' stance on aggression and presented a Constitutional argument about why he opposed Obama's attack on Libya.

LaBrie shared his experience with me noting, "the gist of my letter was that the war in Libya was unconstitutional because the President didn't seek congressional approval and then I quoted Title 50 and some Vattel (Law of Nations)."

In a little less than three week's time, Congressman Long's office responded to LaBrie's concerns. The following is the e-mail to the constituent stating Long's stance on the war. Read it carefully, because you can see the Congressman is trying to appease the Tea Party while supporting Barack Obama's policy of war at the same time.

Dear Mr. LaBrie,

Thank you for contacting me with your views regarding United States' involvement in Libya; I appreciate hearing from you on this issue. Whenever our men and women in uniform are put in harm's way, every strategic decision carries extra importance.

On March 17, 2011, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1973, recommending the implementation of a no-fly zone over Libya and demanding an immediate cease-fire on the part of the Libyan government of Muammar Qaddafi. On March 19, the United States began cruise missile strikes against targets in Libya.

The United States cannot support regimes which brutally repress their people and lack legitimacy. It is simply unacceptable for dictators to slaughter their own people who desire freedom and opportunity. I condemn the violent actions of the Qaddafi government as they cling to power, and I do support the no-fly zone over Libya. That said, I am reminded of a quote by President John Quincy Adams stating that America "goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy."

It is important we that know exactly what kind of conflict we are getting ourselves into, what the scope of the involvement may be, and for what purpose. I am frustrated that President Obama carried out these military actions without properly consulting Congress. We should not enter into armed conflict with another country in such a troubled region without a clear mission. In Congress we are asked to fund wars that are costly in terms of taxpayer dollars and, more importantly, American lives. As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, I know the importance of protecting the safety of the American people. It is impossible to properly carry out that role unless Congress has access to the information it needs. The Obama Administration needs to diligently keep Congress, and especially the citizens of the United States, abreast of our mission and intentions in Libya.

I will continue to make sure that the voice of the American people is heard in this matter and will keep your thoughts in mind. Again, thank you for contacting me on this important issue. Hearing the views of all Missourians gives me the opportunity to better understand how important issues could impact the people of our State. In that regard, your views are most helpful. For additional information regarding current legislation and my representation of the Seventh District, I invite you to visit my website at


Billy Long
Member of Congress

Did you catch that? Long or someone in his office cites a son of one of the Founding Fathers who says it's not American to go waging war with monsters around the world; yet, Billy Long, even while denying the Constitutional wisdom of someone so close to the Founding Fathers decides not to take the Founder's wisdom and support Obama's unconstitutional war in Libya.

This comes from a man who says he reads his pocket Constitution so much, that it is "rode hard and put up wet" and that he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool. If both of those Billy Long sound bites were true, don't you think he woulds be challenging Barack Obama about the Constitutionality of Obama's war rather than support it?

Where does Billy Long think we have the money to fight a third war? We are over $14 trillion in debt, and the United States has spent over a trillion fighting endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought Long was fed up with deficit spending--oh that's right. I remember now. The industrial military complex started donating to Long's campaign in the final weeks. Long was bought by the war machine even before he got to Washington. Perhaps, it's the industrial military complex that President Dwight David Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address that got the better of self-proclaimed Tea Party Congressman Billy Long, making him choose the company that makes the bombs over the wisdom of our Founding Fathers.

It really is an interesting letter to dissect, even if you take out the quote. In one paragraph, Long says he supports the war--after all a no-fly zone is part of war. In the next he says we shouldn't go into a war without knowing what the goals are and what the conflict is. It makes me wonder if Long knows the rebels Obama supports in the region fighting against Qaddafi are members of and have strong ties to Al Qaeda. As well, is Long concerned about the 26 billion in TARP money the United States planted in the Central Bank of Libya. Something tells me Long doesn't have a clue about any of these details.