Tea Party Calls for Government Shutdown

If $33 billion in spending cuts is all the American people are going to get in a compromise with the Democrats--SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT. I Boehner concedes and compromises to keep the government open, he will prove yet again the Republican establishment is no friend to the Tea Party. The Tea Party fired the warning shots.

“They say if we go to a government shutdown, we need to make sure that everyone knows it’s the tea party’s fault,” Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, characterizing the Democratic strategy to the crowd.

She was met with shouts of “Yeah, that’s right, it is!” and “Shut it down!” before she was able to finish, saying, “A government shutdown is Congress’s fault!”

I would be shouting along with those Tea Party patriots. Shut it down. If Republicans concede and keep the government running in exchange for a meager $33 billion in cuts, the Republicans will need to be shown the door in 2012 for real Tea Party candidates.