Rand Paul on Paul Ryan's Budget Proposal: Senator Paul Leaves Out One Important Criticism

I was wondering what Rand Paul was thinking about Paul Ryan's new budget. As you know, Senator Paul was critical of Republicans who promised $100 billion in spending cuts, passed $61 billion, and may compromise to only $33 billion. Paul had come up with half a trillion in spending cuts while House Republicans struggled to find $100 billion.

Senator Paul sounds optimistic about Ryan's budget plans. His office released the following quotes about Ryan's budget while not criticizing any part of it or Ryan. The budget "remains the only congressionally introduced budget plan that actually balances the budget, and in five years at that." "With all the attention being placed on newly introduced budget plans," the missive continued, "it's important to remember the main goal of introducing a such a proposal: to balance the budget."

It should be noted that Ryan's plan falls short of balancing the budget. It takes the government to "primary balance." That means the government isn't spending more than it is taking in; however, the interest payments on the massive national debt isn't figured in. When you consider the hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on over $14 trillion, Congress is going to have to figure this in if we are to get out of this mess.