Liberals in Wisconsin Have Gone Mad: Death Threats from the People Who Call Themselves Tolerant

If it wasn't for Phil in Wisconsin and his awesome wife and Governor Scott Walker and his supporters, I would think the whole state of Wisconsin needs to be locked up in the loony bin. We already have witnessed the poor excuses for teachers in Wisconsin and examined their lackadaisical efforts in posted poor test scores. We have seen how they have disrespected the institution of Wisconsin government, which fortunately is moving away from the title of The Peoples' Republic of Madison. Now we get this crazy woman.

One woman has threatened to kill 15 Republican state senators all because they support Governor Walker's efforts to save the state from financial ruin.

It was one of the most shocking statements to come out of the Wisconsin budget battle. An e-mail, sent to 15 Republican state senators, promising to kill them and their families by putting a “bullet in your head” and using “several bombs.” Now, someone stands to be charged with multiple felonies in the incident. But there’s a question swirling: what took so long?

Today, some are questioning the way the Dane County district attorney and local law enforcement handled the case. According to WISN-TV, the Wisconsin Justice Department became concerned at how long it took local officials to file charges. The state DOJ expressed that sentiment in a statement obtained by local talk show host Charlie Sykes, which says it was “concerned about the lack of action regarding this referral,” meaning it referred the case to the local DA and is surprised nothing has come about.

District Attorney Ismael Ozanne — the DA for the county that includes Madison — defended the delay on Thursday, saying, “The person was not placed in custody. So at some point, law enforcement did not see the person as an imminent threat immediately.”

The “person,” 26-year-old Katherine R. Windels, who was not seen as an “imminent threat” sent two death-threat e-mails to Republicans, both on March 9. The first one was a single message to Sen. Robert Cowles, the second was sent to the 15 others with the subject, “Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!” and the first line including the phrase, “you will be killed and your familes will also be killed.”

Oh those lovely and tolerant liberals.