Is the Ozark School Board in Violation of Its Hiring Freeze with IB Position?

In implementing the International Baccalaureate at Ozark High School, the school board and administrators may be in violation of their own policies. As the school officials state there must be a tightening of the belt, their intent to introduce the IB curriculum at Ozark has shown their hypocritical side as not a dime has been spared to promote and commit to the IB, an organization with radical left-wing ties including the redistribution of wealth, devaluing Christianity, and disarming Americans with their anti-Second Amendment position.

An interesting fact, at the very same school board meeting that a hiring freeze and a vote to cut teacher's pay took place, the school board committed unanimously 7-0 to the International Baccalaureate. In other words, the IB is more valuable than keeping quality teachers who are likely to look at school districts where they can make a better salary and not have to be subjected to the hypocrisy in being told they must accept the cuts in their salary as the school board spends tens of thousands of dollars just to apply and engage in the initial IB process, a cost that will rise as other IB requirements must be paid for after the program begins.

Oh, and then there is the hiring freeze. It appears the school board will have to break their hiring freeze in order to comply with the strict regulations of the IB, which require IB specific employees on staff to administer the IB curriculum. The school board clearly must break their own hiring freeze to hire the IB Coordinator. Oh the hypocrisy runs far deeper than just the attack on our American and Christian values that will soon enter the classrooms at Ozark High School.