Has Obama Entered the United States Into Another Endless War?

Two wars that don't appear to be ending in both Iraq and Afghanistan despite Obama's promises to end war. Iraq will be home to US troops for many decades to come, and considering the unrest in the region, can we really consider that war as complete as Obama leads us to believe?

These two wars have cost Americans over $1 trillion. I know I don't need to remind you that we are over $14 trillion in debt because of Washington's careless ways.

Now it seems our careless president, who obviously didn't think much about the entire Libyan conflict, as we are now fighting for rebels with ties to Al Qaeda, who Libyan residents are now trying to escape from, may have gotten us into another endless conflict. NATO now fears an endless war in Libya. Way to go Barack! Let's remind the people of the first thing you promised to do upon entering the Oval Office.

Oh yeah, another campaign promise broken in the name of hope and change. Hope and change is now sending more men and women off to Libya to fight a war in which America's interests were never violated. Obama's war is illegal and unconstitutional. Where are the liberals wanting to hang Obama for his war crimes?

While American fighter planes may not be flying overhead to the rebel's rejoicing, NATO is still a presence in Libya, and I know I don't have to remind you what NATO would be without the United States' leadership.

The front in Libya is barely moving as the country remains split between rebels and Gadhafi's troops. The rebels are complaining of not receiving enough air support, but NATO is hardly in a position to ramp it up after the withdrawal of US fighter jets. The resulting stalemate underscores the lack of a clear strategy for the allies in Libya...

"Libya appears to be sliding into a prolonged conflict with no light at the end of the tunnel," Fawaz Gerges, a Middle East expert at the London School of Economics (LSE), wrote in a commentary posted on CNN's website. The tenacious resistance of the Gadhafi regime is not surprising, he added, "given the tribal structure of Libyan society and Gadhafi's manipulation and co-opting of tribal divisions and allies."