Alec Baldwin's Clueless Economic Analysis on Barack Obama's Spending

Alec Baldwin is back in the news. This time he is complaining the economic crisis in the United States has prevented Barack Obama from continuing to spend our way out of the recession. Apparently, Baldwin didn't get the memo that nearly a trillion in stimulus spending did little to revive the lifeless economy.

Baldwin was invited to Capitol Hill to share his insight. As to what qualifications Baldwin has to address Congress on economic matters is beyond me other than he is a liberal.

Emmy award-winning actor Alec Baldwin told on Capitol Hill that he believes the financial crisis has "crippled" President Barack Obama, preventing him from doing any "new spending." Baldwin also said Obama has been doing "a lot" of "back-peddling" because he’s had to spend his whole first term "trying" to correct America’s course financially.

Mr. Baldwin, have you not seen the radical increase in the national debt because of all the spending Obama was allowed to do? It was just over $10 trillion when Bush left office and now it is racing towards $15 trillion. How can you honestly with a serious face stand before Congress and complain that Obama hasn't been allowed to spend enough?

Baldwin "Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things -- this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what’s crippled Obama's administration, as far as I’m concerned, is the financial crisis and it’s prevented him from doing any new spending," said Baldwin, who publicly supported Obama in the 2008 Presidential election.

Hey Mr. Baldwin, you obviously are clueless about the power of the presidency. There is no power in Article Two that gives the president authority to spend one dime. Appropriations are an enumerated power of Congress. Considering our $14 trillion plus deficit the last thing we need is another president crossing that line.

It's our debt that is paralyzing this country Mr. Baldwin. It is consumer debt. It is federal debt. It is state debt. It is local government debt. Surely you aren't that dense. Don't you realize the financial crisis started when Americans could no longer afford to make payments on their debts?

Oh but Democrats like dumb Dick Durbin applauded this dolt on Capitol Hill. How many billions did the national debt rise while Baldwin made his appearance, but of course, we aren't spending enough.