GMO Foods Show Evil Side Again: Cows to Produce Human Breast Milk

Scientists continue to play God with the food supply. I have warned you about the evils of the federal government working with Monsanto to patent terminating seeds, which would make the world more dependent on Monsanto. Talk about power! Here's another disturbing story of science and food.

Scientists now have successfully genetically modified cows to produce milk identical to a mother's breast milk. As any raw milk advocate knows, pasteurizing milk removes much of the nutrition in milk as the heat kills the nutrients. So what is science promising with this GMO milk? More nutrition of course.

As you know, raw milk farmers are facing legal battles that appear to be growing with each passing year. I expect that trend to continue with today's news.

The scientists have successfully introduced human genes into 300 dairy cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk.

Human milk contains high quantities of key nutrients that can help to boost the immune system of babies and reduce the risk of infections.

The scientists behind the research believe milk from herds of genetically modified cows could provide an alternative to human breast milk and formula milk for babies, which is often criticised as being an inferior substitute.

They hope genetically modified dairy products from herds of similar cows could be sold in supermarkets. The research has the backing of a major biotechnology company.