Rand Paul Continues to Fight Obama and the Neocons on Illegal War in Libya

Rand Paul is not backing down. He has constitutionally challenged Obama's illegal war, a war that first upset Republicans, but they are clearly servants of the industrial military complex and have bowed down accordingly since their first outrage. (Some of them try to still make the claim they are Tea Party despite snubbing the Constitution.)

Of course there are some exceptions within the Republican ranks. Senator Rand Paul continues to show Constitutional leadership since taking office. From the Carrier Journal:

After scolding the Senate for failing to debate U.S. military action in Libya, Sen. Rand Paul was rebuffed Tuesday in challenging the president’s authority to act unilaterally on war matters.

“There is no excuse for the Senate not to vote on going to war before we go to war,” the Kentucky freshman Republican said in remarks on the Senate floor.

Paul has been highly critical of President Barack Obama’s decision last month to use U.S. warplanes as part of an allied operation enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya and assisting Libyan rebels.

He sought a vote on attaching a sense-of-the-Senate resolution to a small-business bill. The resolution quotes then-Sen. Obama as saying in 2007 that “the president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

What I find most interesting about all of this is the years Harry Reid spent crying about George W. Bush's wars. Reid would not address Senator Paul's concerns; however he said he understood how sincere Senator Paul is on the issue.

Apparently more sincere that Senator Reid, who has once again showed us it depends who wages war, not the grounds the war is fought, that matters most to Reid when it comes to putting US military men and women into harms way. For Reid, it doesn't come down to the Constitution, it comes down to Bush was a Republican and Obama is a Democrat.