Tourist! Postcards from DC: Billy Long Loves DC

I'm fed up with everything that's going on in DC. -- Billy Long during his small business tour.

'cos everybody hates a tourist. -- Pulp from Common People

Billy Long learns DC talk in hopes of fooling all of the people all of the time:

Lunch in Cannon - Frank Luntz presenting -Words That Work: 'It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear' hosted by Congressman Dan Lungren
about 18 hours ago via Mobile Web

Hope Curtis Trent doesn't have any issues with the new "Bat-Phone" so he can text Billy Long the answers and how to vote:

Gov't issued Bat-Phone (I-Phone) has so may codes to gain access it makes it tough to use. Maxwell Smart didn't have this many on Shoe-Phone
about 24 hours ago via Mobile Web
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Ah, just want conservatives wanted to see and hear from the new fed up with Washington Congressman-elect. They sure look sweet together, don't they?

Fed up tourists had to beg Pelosi for a picture.

Billy Long obviously couldn't wait to tell Southwest Missouri he met Nancy Pelosi and how wrong we were about her. They had a nice chat too. Billy Long told the Speaker how certain parts of Obamacare are good--like more regulations for the insurance companies like preexisting conditions and forcing them to cover "children" under their parents plan until they reach 26 years old. (Look at the times.)

Now we're in the Rotunda - when I get home someone needs to teach me how to do TwitPics or whatever you call Tweeted Pictures
6:26 PM Nov 15th via Mobile Web

Oh Billy, I bet you might be the only person to compliment Nancy Pelosi with the words "what a spread."

What a spread Speaker Pelosi put on at her open house! Now standing on the Speakers balcony looking at the Washington Monument! What history
6:16 PM Nov 15th via Mobile Web

He appears to be in love with the left-wing mainstream media. I wonder if Pelosi is jealous yet.

"I don't run to a microphone everytime one's offered, I don't jump in front of a camera everytime one's offered." Billy Long October 3, 2010.

Just did a CNN interview with Dana Bash - may air on Situation Room tonight - or elsewhere on CNN
10:33 AM Nov 15th via Mobile Web
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Fellow in the Lobby said he heard me being interviewed on Public Radio this morning. Any of you in the Midwest or West may still catch it.
about 24 hours ago via Mobile Web