The United Kingdom Also Moves to Take More Power Over the Internet

Glenn Beck said if we lose the Internet to tyrannical powers, we lose. I believe he is right, because the Internet gives us such a huge stage to spread the word of how our freedoms are being destroyed by people who don't have liberty and freedom's best interest at heart.

In the United States, the federal government has multiple bills in Congress that will grant the federal government with extreme power to use the Internet. This weekend, without any of these bills being passed, we discover the branches of the federal government began enforcing these bills without them even being passed in Congress as the Department of Homeland Security seized multiple domain names. Now we are finding out similar laws are being debated and passed in England.

From Thinq:
Police could soon have the power to seize any domain associated with criminal activity, under new proposals published today by UK domain registrar Nominet.

At present, Nominet has no clear legal obligation to ensure that .uk domains are not used for criminal activities. That situation may soon change, if proposals from the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) are accepted.

SOCA wants Nominet to change its registration terms and conditions, giving the registrar the power to suspend domains if it has “reasonable grounds to believe they are being used to commit a crime”.

So they are going to remove Web sites based on pre-crime beliefs? Will these eventually include Orwellian style thought crimes?