Electronic Privacy Information Center Demands Homeland Security to Unveil What HS is Using Mobile Scanners For

A few months ago before Glenn Beck warned of the Z Backscatter Vans, I was discussing this dangerous abuse of power by the federal government. These vans allow the naked body scanners to go mobile into a neighborhood near you and spy on you in your car and house using the same technology they use at the airports.

Now the Electronic Privacy Information Center wants answers from Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security about what purposes Homeland Security is using these vans for. They issued the following press release on November 24, 2010:

EPIC has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Homeland Security, demanding that the agency turn over documents concerning the use of body scanner technology by law enforcement agencies in surface transit and street-roaming vans. EPIC cited previous DHS testing of body scanners on New Jersey's PATH trains and the development of street-roaming backscatter vans. EPIC has also filed a lawsuit to suspend body scanner program. EPIC has called the devices "invasive, inefffective, and unlawful." For more information, see: EPIC: Whole Body Imaging and EPIC: EPIC v. DHS.