How Monsanto is Killing the Family Organic Farm

Today's passage, and it's going to pass, of the Food Safety Act means farming as we know it will be forever changed. As if if weren't bad enough our federal government ruled that patents could be placed on life, which is an arrogant belief if you are a Christian, Monsanto has taken the Supreme Court ruling of allowing patents for life and have ruled the agriculture business with an iron fist. The Food Safety Act will assuredly give Monsanto more power over the small farmer fighting to produce healthy food that hasn't been genetically altered.

To give you some insight on the evils of Monsanto, the path of their tyranny is easy to outline. They produce GMO corn seeds and other seeds that allow plants to be immune from their Round Up chemical. They do this by genetically altering the seed to include a gene that provides the plant immunity from the chemical. So first, they alter nature's design.

Then they create a tough patent with a licensing agreement that forces farmers to purchase seeds every year from  Monsanto. In the past, farmers used to collect seeds for the next years planting season during the harvest season. Monsanto's patent rights prevents farmers from collecting the seeds of their own crops to use for next years planting season. They force the farmers to purchase seeds produced by Monsanto. This isn't what I call the evil of the whole Monsanto GMO seed workflow; after all, it was the farmer who decided to go down this path and make the pact with Monsanto.

The evil of Monsanto occurs from cross pollination. There are many farmers who haven't bought into the Monsanto GMO seed hoopla. They have stuck with traditional methods of planting including saving their seeds for planting for the next year. Their problems begin, and the evils of Monsanto shines, when the wind blows pollen from a Monsanto GMO field to a field that wasn't planted with Monsanto seeds. The pollen delivers the genetically altered DNA into the non GMO plants. This of course turns them into GMO plants.

Monsanto if infamous for watching wind directions. They pay attention to which farmers are using their seeds and which farmers aren't. When the wind blows, the pay attention to where the pollen blows. It doesn't take long for Monsanto to IGNORE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS and come onto a farmer's land spraying Round Up on a crop. If the crop lives and there is no record of the farmer purchasing the Monsanto seeds, Monsanto begins legal suits against the farmer for patent infringement. The only thing the farmer did wrong was not put up anything around his crop to block the pollen blown by the wind. Monsanto's deep pockets fights non GMO farmers until they are broke and forced to settle with Monsanto. It's an evil process.

The Food Safety Act will pass today. I expect all the Democrats to vote for it and a few Republican deceptiCONs to push it through. When it passes, they tyranny against the family farm will increase.