VIPER: TSA Checkpoints Now Appearing at Bus Stations (Hey the Terrorists Used Airplanes)

The Transportation Security Administration has expanded in recent days. We knew this was coming as they warned commuter trains and cruise ships were on their list to expand their groping hands. Passengers at Tampa's Greyhound Bus station were being felt up, hands on the junk, before they were allowed to get on their bus.

So it's obvious the government by the people of the people for the people is no longer listening to the people. After nearly a month of American outrage, Janet Napolitano and John Pistole sticks their middle finger on the ground and takes up their next piece of real estate--the bus station. Commuter trains can't be much farther away.

Gary Milano of the Department of Security explained why the TSA was at the bus station. The program is called VIPER, Visible Intermobile Prevention and Response. Notice how the media finds the most ignorant person to interview over this like Chuck Lawrence who rides the bus. "I feel safe knowing I can get on the bus and I am not going to blow up." Excuse me Chuck you just gave up your Fourth Amendment Rights and I haven't seen to many buses blow up in recent years, have you Chuck. Although, it wouldn't surprise me at this point if suddenly a Christmas Tree Bomber puts a dummy bomb on a Greyhound Bus in order to justify Homeland Security's presence at the bus station.