More Accounts of the TSA Groping Passengers Inappropriately

My genitals were touched no less than 4 times with the index finger as the screener's hand was slid up my leg until it could go no more into my crotch.
- Marlene, California

This new procedure was absolutely humiliating. She touched my limbs, my torso, my breasts, and rubbed my vagina with her fingers three separate times. I might have understood one rub. Three rubs was NOT acceptable. My pants were thin cotton.... As soon as I left the security area, I began to cry. My husband and I had spent one of the best weeks of our lives together for our honeymoon, and it was destroyed on the way home.
- Tiff, North Carolina

The female TSA agent did not advise me of an alternative and after she directed me through the scanner she conducted the "pat-down" WITHOUT my permission or WITHOUT warning that she would be making direct and forceful contact with my genitals FOUR times! I felt sexually violated and yet afraid to protest for fear that I would be put on some kind of no-fly list or miss my flight.
- Kim, Hawaii

This was a very different and, I maintain, a deliberately abusive experience.... the agent not only felt the inside of my upper thighs but also probed my vagina three separate times. I made it to the end of the search, but then broke down...I cannot and will not allow this to happen to me again.... I continue to have nightmares about this experience.
- Charlotte in California, female, 68

I was with two strangers, one of whom now had both of her open palms moving slowly across virtually every part of my body. She barely moved them as she groped both of my breasts. And most disturbingly, her hands karate-chopped their way a full two inches up into my vagina through my slacks. She performed this maneuver not once, but twice: once from behind me, and then once again, standing/bending in front of me.
- Alex, Washington state

I will do everything in my power to drive rather than take any commercial flights if this is the new standard of TSA screening.
- Max, North Carolina

My daughter was forced to cancel her plans to join us for Thanksgiving because she did not want to subject her children to either the exposure to x-rays or the patdowns. We have cancelled our plans to fly north for Christmas and will drive instead.
- Janet, Florida

The TSA agent squeezes my thighs and runs his hand up until they touched my testicles on both of my legs. This was done in full view of everyone in line. This was very uncomfortable, humiliating and seemed very unnecessary. If given the choice, I will do everything in my power to drive rather than take any commercial flights if this is the new standard of TSA screening.... I do not feel safer. I feel violated....
- Max, North Carolina

When I asked the agent politely for her badge number, she said in a sharp, loud tone, "If you want to know my badge number you can talk to my supervisor!"
- Heather from New York

I have Type 1 Diabetes and wear a wireless insulin pump. TSA supervisors... informed me that since I have to wear a medical device, I will be subject to the enhanced pat-down every time I fly. It's not okay with me to have a stranger grope my genitals once, much less 12-15 times per year. Please, please, please help those of us who are being given no choice in this matter.
- Laura Seay, Georgia

I didn't set off any alarms, apparently I was searched because I was wearing a 'loose fitting shirt'. My T-Shirt was not tucked in.
- Anonymous

I was the only female in a crowd of men. Even though I was not next in line, I was called over to the body scanner. As I got closer to the scanner, I could clearly hear him say "got a cute one, some DD's." ... I was appalled and decided at that point to "opt out" of the scanner.... I was then put through the pat down procedure which I only can only describe as sexual assault.
- Caitlin, Connecticut

I walked through the xray machine... with flying colors. And out of the blue a women said I had to get a pat down.
- Heather from Illinois

These things happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. They weren't supposed to happen in the United States of America.