George Soros Increased Hedge Fund Investment of Monsanto Last Year Before Food Safety Act

There are some interesting things to note about the Food Safety Act, which many label the Monsanto Act. The bill will be voted on in the Senate today, and it has already passed in the House of Representatives.

Once again, we see George Soros' fingerprints are all over this bill through investments. In 2009, the Soros hedge fund group increased investments in Monsanto by 244%. As well, Soros is also 2nd largest holder in Monsanto Corporation, who's former CEO was positioned nicely in a powerful position in the FDA.

Soros stands to profit from the continued altercation of human food through GMO science, and the SB510, the Food Safety Act will also drive up to costs of food by removing more competition and giving the corporate agri bussiness the ultimate upper hand over small family farmers.

The passage of this bill will extend control over all food in the US, violating a fundamental human right to food. It will create higher compliance costs for smaller producers, putting them at a competitive disadvantage against corporate farmers and producers who can more easily absorb costs, fees, and possible fines, furthermore products not grown according to designated standards will be considered adulterated and your business records will be subject to warrant less searches by inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all this without any evidence that you have violated any law.

As of now, it appears almost all the Democrats are prepared to vote yes for this bill and possibly a handful of moderate DeceptiCON republicans. If it passes, there will be more scenes like this as the American police state begins patrolling the nation's food supply.