Billy Long Engages in Wasteful Federal Spending While Vicky Hartzler Stays Home

Billy Long goes to Harvard today. The university will probably be never the same. It's not often they allow such challenges into the halls of their university.

Long is in part II of freshman orientation of new Congressmen. It's basically a two and half day conference on public policy and legislative education for Congressmen taught by liberal Harvard University. It's interesting Billy Long not only decided to go, he actually seemed quite excited about it despite being "fed up."

On April 29, 1992, Tom DeLay stood up on the House floor and decried a 'tax-funded boondoggle' that sent freshman members of Congress to Harvard for a seminar. 'Yes,' DeLay asserted, 'the congressional freshman orientation at Harvard doesn't cost millions of dollars. But even the thousands of dollars of tax money used for this congressional boondoggle sets a bad example for new Members of Congress.' Instead, DeLay urged, 'grass-roots organizations' should conduct orientations at no cost to the American taxpayer. The organizations DeLay named were" the Coalition for America, the Council for National Policy, Free Congress Foundation, and Free the Eagle," Sarah Posner wrote February 21, 2005, for The Gadflyer.

Billy Long participating in a 'tax-funded boondoggle' tell me it isn't so. He was supposed to be fed up with these sort of things, wasn't he?

It appears the the new Congressman-elect from just north of the Seventh District decided not to go, which probably saved tax payers thousands of dollars. It appears Vicky Hartzler decided not to go to liberal Harvard on the taxpayer dime and yuk it up with the establishment. Her tweets show that she stayed and worked in her district today listening to the people that matter.

So you have Billy Long who claimed to be fed up with the establishment wasting taxpayer money on a program Delay called a boondoggle out of the district again, and you have Hartzler listening to the people of her district and avoiding the liberals at Harvard. Just thought you should know.