Patriotic 'Hacktivist' Claims Credit for Cyber Attack Against WikiLeaks

Let's hope for Patriotic Hacktivist's sake his efforts to launch a cyber attack against WikiLeaks didn't spoil a plan created by the Obama administration to further bring this country to it's knees. More on that in a bit.

A computer user identified as Patriotic Hacktivist has taken credit for the cyber attack against the WikiLeaks Web site. From ABC news:

The site was down temporarily on Sunday, the same time the hacker began tweeting he had begun attacking it.

" - TANGO DOWN - for attempting to endanger the lives of our troops, 'other assets' & foreign relations," he tweeted late Sunday morning.

"Tango down" is a special forces military term for having eliminated a terrorist.

He goes by the Twitter handle "th3j35t3r", which is leetspeak for "The Jester."

On his website, th3j35t3r calls himself a "hacktivist for good." A "hacktivist" -- a hacker-activist, supposedly hacks for a good cause. His cause is preventing young people from being recruited online by jihadists. He does this by hacking jihadist websites, and temporarily disabling them.

OK, back to my other point. Does anyone find it ironic, while Congress is debating all these cyber security bills that will give the federal government more power over the Internet including giving the President power to shut down the Internet at moment's notice that we all of a sudden have this Internet site called WikiLeaks that is exposing hundreds of thousands of documents, classified in nature.

And we are supposed to believe that a buck private in the Army (E-3) easily removed these thousands of documents off the most secure computers in the world with nothing more than a Lady Gaga CD? Does the United States government really want us to buy this load of crap.

Could it be, that some of these documents were carefully selected without major intelligence being sacrificed to make the case to push these cyber security acts through Congress without any hesitation?

After all, look at some of the reactions from the new members of Congress who are heading to Congress as Patriotic Americans like Vicky Hartzler. "The WikiLeak perpetrator should be tried for treason!" While I agree with that, let's not rush to the conclusion and automatically assume Private First Class Bradley Manning successfully pulled this off on his own. Do you mean to tell me the United States government doesn't monitor the use of its national security secure network--like who is accessing the files, how many files the are accessing, how often they are accessing, and if any of these files are being transferred? This may be something much bigger, and Manning may be nothing more than a patsy.

But how far is Hartzler willing to go to protect the country from another WikiLeaks like breach? Is she willing to pass the freedom killing Internet acts currently being debated in Congress. That's the real danger of the anger right now.