Republican Billy Long Exposes Evil Truth About Congress During Freshman Orientation

You would guess Billy Long would have opted out of a class that focuses on "it's not what you say, it's what people hear." After all, did anyone get any real substance out of his campaign? No, we got fed up. The people heard fed up, and they voted for fed up. Really, that's the story of Billy Long's Congressional campaign.

I am glad Congressman-elect did go to the Frank Luntz, the famous pollster, class, because he exposed an evil of Congress that is being taught to our new freshman class.

Lunch in Cannon - Frank Luntz presenting -Words That Work: 'It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear' hosted by Congressman Dan Lungren
11:43 AM Nov 16th via Mobile Web

"It's not what you say, it's what people hear?"

Isn't it funny that Billy Long projected himself as a straight shooter, but he is now tweeting about a class that obviously teaches the rhetoric of spin from an expert who spins polling questions for a living? Think about that. Here's Billy Long, who says he is fed up with Washington, taking lessons about how to spin and actually exposing it's part of freshman orientation for new Congressmen.

I am tired of hearing what politicians think the people want to hear. That's obviously part of the problem. Why can't we just get politicians who give us tough love and tell us the truth for a change and then be committed to the people they have to tell the tough news to. Why do new Congressmen need a class to learn how to spin things to avoid saying something the people don't want to hear? I thought Billy Long was fed up of these types of things.